Deceived by Stephanie Nelson is the sequel to Craved. The story begins in Moon, Washington where the North American Witch Council (NAWC) has requested Gwen Sparks and her best friend Fiona attendance. It turns out the the council has decided to declare war on Vampires. Gwen is the focal point since she is in a relationship with the vampire Aiden and Aiden became addicted to the magic in her blood.
Council member Holly has suggested (ordered) Gwen to train as a spirit walker so that she can be the secret weapon in the Witch-Vampire War. Gwen's training begins with Kye (warlock) and ends with Dorian (Angel of Death). In the midst of training, she has been ordered to no longer see her boyfriend but still maintains a relationship with Aiden by sneaking to Seattle for a good time. Of course, her good time turns sour as Ian, her blood-bonded vampire, stalks her dreams and mind.
Aiden assist Gwen by setting up a Vampire council (VC) meeting. The VC does not want a war with the witches but also wants to punish Ian. The NAWC agrees to meet with the VC to discuss and end to the war and capture of the traitor Ian.
This started out interesting but then took a turn around the middle of the story. I felt cheated at the end with the relationship of Gwen and Aiden. In Craved, Gwen has been head over heels in love with Micah. The relationship ended badly, however she always felt a connection with Aiden from the moment they met. Now, I month later she has a connection with Dorian. While she is struggling with a bad witch, Aiden, the love of her life, is just looking at her body. I don't by it.
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